quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009


Estávamos um dia à conversa no MSN, eu e a minha amiga (e também parceira de escrita) quando tivemos uma divergência de opiniões. Vou começar com duas frases que antecederam todo o grande teatro improvisado!!!

D: Mas eu é que mando! Sou o rei, posso mandar cortar-te a cabeça!
J: Eu nao sou real, nao me podes cortar a cabeça...

Foi quando se soltou a veia artística, e, sempre improvisando, criámos um diálogo entre Homem e Criação/Creatividade. (Só não sei mas por que é que nos saíu em inglês... por isso pedimos desculpa a quem não perceber xD)

D: Am i talking... to... dead people?!
J: No, I am your creative vein.
D: Then, I'll cut my veins off!
J: Ok, die then... Then you can't finish the book!
D: Yes, I can.
J: Even if you are dead?! …good luck with that
D: My living blood will write it for me! I am blood! I am death! I am Immortal!
J: I am your vein... I carry your blood...
D: Then, if you are a part of my being, you will do it as I command!!!
J: No, I am creation! You cannot master your creative mind!
D: Serve ME, oh Vein inside of my Undead Body! I will pray to the most evil night so it shall fall upon you with its darkest fears and nightmares! SHALL YOU BE DOOMED BY THE DEVIL'S BLOOD!!!!!
J: I AM CREATION, THEREFORE GOD HIMSELF. You cannot damn me to the devil, as i cannot be damned!I am light! I am material that is not touchable!I am the vein in you, who can never be severed, who cannot even bleed!!! Today, the soul of the damned will consume your ungodly wishes and deteriorate your mind into a sludge, so i can again mold! YOU CANNOT BE SERVED AS YOU-ARE-THE-SERVANT-OF-GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
D: Your words became flesh, oh Mighty Vein! I bow, before your power! You are God's Creation, you are a gift given to the lost souls, you are... oh Mighty Vein... You are what everyone would like to be! I beg you, on my servant knees, i beg you... Please be one with me, so shall you shine in this humble mortal body, and bring light with your creation, to every single creature of this world! I beg you...
J: Beg not, humble servant... I was always lurked near your bowels, always eluminated your thought with purity. Do not fight me, as you will only be fighting yourself, destroying the flesh that I so lovingly molded to transmit my wisdow and wishes. Do not rebeliate, let this be my only wish that I lay upon your conscience.
Mortality will rain upon every nerve, every muscle but this vein that with you I share, will remain untouched and will pump you with the juices of eternal life in my home above.

E assim foi o nosso agradável diálogo até à terra da Criatividade... Repito que nada disto foi planeado, foi um diálogo improvisado que começou numa conversa banal no MSN!

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